Bo's Kitchen Author Event

June 22, 2017: Karen Dionne, Julie Buntin, Hala Alyan, & Liz Moore

Liz Moore Author
Liz Moore Book Reading
Liz Moore The Unseen World
Liz Moore Book Signing
Liz Moore Book Signing Event

Liz Moore

Liz, author of Heft, reads from her latest novel, The Unseen World, just out in paperback. It's the story of a child prodigy who is left to discover her father's mysterious past after he succumbs to Alzheimer's.

Julie Buntin Catapult
Julie Buntin Author
Julie Buntin Book Reading
Julie Buntin Book Signing

Julie Buntin

Julie, director of writing workshops at Catapult, has already been on the #YeahYouWrite stage, introducing her author-instructors in August 2016. Here she reads from her critically acclaimed debut novel, Marlena, just out this spring.

Hala Alyan Alia's Tears
Hala Alyan Author
Hala Alyan Poems
Hala Alyan Psychologist

Hala Alyan

Hala, a doctor of psychology at NYU Hospital, reads from her gorgeous novel, Salt Houses. Her signature mocktail, Alia's Tears, reminded us of the trials of generations of a family affected by war.

Karen Dionne Author
Karen Dionne Events
Karen Dionne Reading Marsh King's Daughter
Karen Dionne Book Reading Event

Karen Dionne

Karen has also graced our stage with her presence before, reading for #LateNiteMic during our very first #YeahYouWrite event in November 2015. That reading was from The Marsh King's Daughter, just out this June and already destined to become a film. She reads the same segment here, which appears unchanged in this exciting psychological thriller.


Somewhat of a misnomer, but we like how it sounds: Audience members take the stage to read their work. Happens at about 8:45p.m.—not so late! Readers are Roger Dionne, Aya (whose full name [and correct spelling] will be added here if she emails us!), and Tina Wald.

Roger Dionne
Open Mic NYC
Open Mic Reading